I was pleasantly suprised. Easy to set up in 5 minutes with the tools provided. I expected stability to be a problem but in fact it feels very solid and stable. The seat moved smoothly and the hydraulics worked well. Very simple adjustable resistance. Highly recommended!

Achieve a smooth & enduring rowing workout with the adjustable resistance rowing machine

Featuring 4 resistance levels this rower machine is ideal for working large muscle groups at your back, legs, arms and abs as well as providing great cardio at the same time


Rowing Machine | Adjustable Resistance Rower | Rowing Exercise Machine

Original price was: $499.Current price is: $399.

(8 customer reviews)


3 DAY MAY SUPER SALE … Don’t Miss Out

Truly push your cardio limit as you increase or decrease the hydraulic tension designated to your rowing workout.

Full motion movement of the arms will burn more calories, increase strength by activating more muscles in the back, shoulders, and core. Increase or decrease the workout intensity with a simple turn of the resistance knob. LCD digital monitor will track your time, count, calorie, total count, and scan.

Product Specifications
  • Unique and classic full row motion
  • Smooth and comfortable seat movement
  • Hydraulic cylinders for variable resistance
  • Tension controls are easy to adjust
  • Pivoting foot plates for comfort
  • Fully-adjustable foot straps
  • Weight limit of 200 kg
  • Electronic display for time, distance, count, and calories burned

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Original price was: $499.Current price is: $399.

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The smooth glide seat and adjustable levels of hydraulic resistance will allow you to complete a quiet and enduring ride, while working your full body, increasing your cardiovascular fitness, and burning calories.

The pivoting foot pedals with foot straps are great for beginners or those with tight muscles, as they open your range of motion allowing you to achieve the safest posture throughout each phase of your row.

Row in comfort with the cushioned seat and foam handlebars. When you’ve completed your workout, the compact design makes it easy to store.



The hydraulic resistance system creates a smooth and quiet row, throughout a number of levels of resistance.



Track your workout progress on the digital monitor, equipped with time, count, count total, calories, and scan functions.



Enjoy a comfortable row with the pivoting foot pedals, foam handlebars, and cushioned seat designed with your comfort in mind.



The compact design of this rower allows you to easily move your rower from room to room or into storage.

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    What are the health benefits of using a Rowing Machine?

    Using a Rowing Machine boosts cardiovascular health, increases endurance, and strengthens muscles. It’s an all-in-one workout that engages 85% of your body’s muscles.

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    How much space do I need for an Adjustable Resistance Rower?

    An Adjustable Resistance Rower typically requires an area of about 8 feet by 2 feet, making it suitable for small spaces. Always check specific model dimensions.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are Adjustable Resistance Rowers effective for building muscle?

    Yes, Adjustable Resistance Rowers are effective for building muscle, particularly in the legs, arms, and back, as well as improving overall muscular endurance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the best shoes to wear while using a Rowing Exercise Machine?

    The best shoes to wear while using a Rowing Exercise Machine are firm, flat-soled shoes that provide stability and support during your rowing sessions.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How does an Adjustable Resistance Rower fit into a cross-training program?

    An Adjustable Resistance Rower is excellent for cross-training, providing a high-intensity, low-impact workout that complements other forms of exercise like running or cycling.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the average cost of a good quality Rowing Machine?

    The cost of a good quality Rowing Machine, depending on features like build quality, resistance type, and included technology.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What maintenance is required for a Rowing Machine?

    Maintaining a Rowing Machine involves regular cleaning, checking screws and bolts for tightness, and ensuring the seat rails are free of debris for smooth operation.

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    Are Adjustable Resistance Rowers suitable for beginners?

    Absolutely, Adjustable Resistance Rowers are perfect for beginners because they allow you to start at lower resistance levels and gradually increase as you get stronger.

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    Are Rowing Exercise Machines safe to use without supervision?

    Rowing Exercise Machines are generally safe to use without supervision, but beginners should ideally have initial guidance to ensure correct form.

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    Can Rowing Exercise Machines help with weight loss?

    Yes, Rowing Exercise Machines can help with weight loss. A moderate rowing session burns about 300-600 calories per hour, making it a great tool for weight management.

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    What warranty should I look for when buying a Rowing Exercise Machine?

    When buying a Rowing Exercise Machine, look for warranties of at least 1-3 years to ensure long-term protection and support.

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    How often should I use a Rowing Machine to see fitness results?

    Using a Rowing Machine consistently, about 3-4 times a week, can show fitness results in terms of strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health in as little as 4-6 weeks.

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    Can seniors safely use an Adjustable Resistance Rower?

    Seniors can safely use an Adjustable Resistance Rower, especially those with adjustable resistance to match their fitness level, offering a low-impact exercise option.

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    What types of resistance are available in Adjustable Resistance Rowers?

    Adjustable Resistance Rowers come with various resistance types, including magnetic, air, and water, each offering a unique feel and benefits.

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    Can children use a Rowing Exercise Machine?

    Children can use a Rowing Exercise Machine under supervision to ensure they maintain proper form and handle the machine safely.

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    What should I do if my Rowing Machine starts making noise?

    If your Rowing Machine starts making noise, check for loose parts and ensure all components are properly lubricated. Regular maintenance can prevent many common issues.

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    How does a Rowing Exercise Machine differ from other cardio equipment?

    A Rowing Exercise Machine works both the upper and lower body, offering a comprehensive workout compared to other devices that might target specific areas.

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    How do I choose the right size Rowing Machine for my height?

    Choosing the right size Rowing Machine involves checking the length of the slide rail and ensuring it accommodates your full leg extension for a comfortable rowing experience.

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    Can I use a Rowing Exercise Machine if I have lower back pain?

    If you have lower back pain, using a Rowing Exercise Machine with proper form can be beneficial, but it’s crucial to consult with a medical professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

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    What should I look for in a Rowing Exercise Machine's display console?

    A display console on a Rowing Exercise Machine should provide key metrics such as distance, time, speed, and calories burned, enhancing your ability to monitor workouts effectively.

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    Can a Rowing Machine improve posture?

    Yes, using a Rowing Machine can improve posture by strengthening the back, shoulders, and core, helping to correct imbalances that contribute to poor posture.

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    What are the noise levels like with Rowing Exercise Machines?

    Noise levels for Rowing Exercise Machines vary; water and magnetic resistance types tend to be quieter compared to air resistance models, which are louder but offer a more dynamic response.

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    Can a Rowing Machine be stored easily when not in use?

    Many Rowing Machines are designed with foldability or upright storage options, making them easy to store in a closet or corner when not in use.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the lifespan of a Rowing Machine?

    The lifespan of a Rowing Machine can vary based on usage and maintenance but typically ranges from 5 to 10 years with regular care.

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    How accurate are the calorie counters on Adjustable Resistance Rowers?

    Calorie counters on Adjustable Resistance Rowers can vary in accuracy. They provide a good estimate but should not be solely relied upon for precise calorie tracking.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What accessories do I need with my Rowing Machine?

    Useful accessories for your Rowing Machine might include a mat to protect your floor, a seat cushion for added comfort, and heart rate monitors to track your fitness levels.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the difference between a hydraulic and magnetic Adjustable Resistance Rower?

    Hydraulic Adjustable Resistance Rowers are generally more compact and quieter, while magnetic models offer smoother and more consistent resistance levels.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I connect my smartphone to an Adjustable Resistance Rower?

    Many modern Adjustable Resistance Rowers feature connectivity options like Bluetooth, allowing you to sync with fitness apps or stream workout classes.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is it easy to assemble a Rowing Exercise Machine?

    Most Rowing Exercise Machines are designed with ease of assembly in mind, often requiring less than an hour to set up with basic tools.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there interactive features available for Adjustable Resistance Rowers?

    Many Adjustable Resistance Rowers come equipped with interactive features like virtual races, coaching sessions, and progress tracking to enhance your rowing experience.

Enhance Your Cardio Routine with the Perfect Rowing Machine

A rowing machine is an exceptional piece of fitness equipment that offers a comprehensive workout affecting various muscle groups while also providing substantial cardiovascular benefits. Whether you’re looking to increase stamina, burn calories, or strengthen your muscles, an adjustable resistance rower can be a pivotal addition to your fitness regime. This blog post will guide you through the benefits of incorporating a rowing exercise machine into your workouts and how to select the right one for your needs.

Why Choose a Rowing Machine for Your Workouts?

Rowing machines, often referred to as rowing exercise machines, offer numerous benefits that make them a worthwhile investment:

  • Full Body Workout: Rowing involves both upper and lower body strength, engaging muscles in the legs, back, arms, and core.
  • Efficient Calorie Burning: Due to its full-body engagement, rowing burns a high number of calories in a short period, aiding in weight loss and cardiovascular health.
  • Low-Impact Exercise: It provides a robust workout with minimal impact on the joints, making it ideal for those with knee problems or recovering from injury.
  • Cardiovascular Improvement: Regular use improves lung, heart, and circulation systems, enhancing overall fitness levels and stamina.

Features to Consider When Choosing a Rowing Machine

When shopping for a rowing machine, several features are essential to consider to ensure you find the model that best fits your fitness goals and space:

Type of Resistance

The type of resistance is a key factor in the feel and effectiveness of a rower:

  • Air Resistance: These rowers adjust resistance based on your rowing intensity. The harder you row, the more resistance they provide.
  • Magnetic Resistance: Known for their smooth and quiet operation, magnetic rowers allow for precise resistance adjustments, making them suitable for varied fitness levels.
  • Water Resistance: These simulate actual rowing sensations and naturally adjust resistance with your rowing intensity. They are perfect for those seeking a realistic rowing experience.
  • Hydraulic Resistance: Typically more compact, these are great for smaller spaces and budget-friendly options.


An adjustable resistance rower is crucial for versatility and longevity as your strength and endurance grow. Look for a rower that offers easy adjustments to accommodate different workout intensities and user preferences.

Console Features

Modern rowing machines often come with digital consoles that track metrics such as distance, time, calories burned, and heart rate. Some advanced models also offer connectivity to apps and fitness programs that can help monitor progress and keep you motivated.

Size and Storage

Consider the size of the rower and how much space it will occupy in your home. Many rowers are designed to be folded up or stored vertically, making them ideal choices for those with limited space.

Incorporating a Rowing Machine into Your Fitness Routine

To get the most out of your rowing exercise machine, consider the following tips:

  • Warm-Up Properly: Start with a 5-10 minute low-intensity row to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for exercise.
  • Vary Your Workouts: Mix short, high-intensity bursts with longer, low-intensity sessions to improve both strength and endurance.
  • Maintain Proper Form: Good technique is crucial to maximize the effectiveness of your workout and prevent injury. Ensure your back is straight, and you are pushing primarily with your legs.

Maintaining Your Rowing Machine

Proper maintenance will help extend the life of your rowing machine:

  • Regular Cleaning: Wipe down the machine after each use to prevent sweat from corroding the parts.
  • Check for Wear: Regularly inspect all parts for signs of wear and tear, especially the handle and resistance mechanism.
  • Lubrication: Some parts may require occasional lubrication to ensure smooth operation.


A rowing machine is a fantastic investment for anyone looking to boost their fitness in a dynamic, effective way. With the ability to provide a low-impact, full-body workout, an adjustable resistance rower adjusts to meet your evolving fitness needs. Explore our wide selection of rowing exercise machines today to find the perfect match for your fitness goals, and start enjoying the numerous health benefits that rowing has to offer.

What is a Full Motion Rowing Machine?
A Full Motion Rowing Machine is an exercise machine that mimics the full range of motion experienced during rowing. It provides a comprehensive workout by engaging multiple muscle groups and offering a realistic rowing experience.
Are "Full Motion Rowing Machine" and "Adjustable Resistance Rower" the same thing?
Yes, “Full Motion Rowing Machine” and “Adjustable Resistance Rower” are interchangeable terms used to describe a rowing machine that allows users to adjust the resistance level according to their fitness level and workout preferences.
What is a Rowing Exercise Machine?
A Rowing Exercise Machine is a fitness device designed to simulate the action of rowing on water. It provides a low-impact, full-body workout that targets muscles in the arms, legs, back, and core.
What are the benefits of using a Full Motion Rowing Machine?
Using a Full Motion Rowing Machine offers numerous benefits, including cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strengthening and toning, weight loss, improved endurance, and a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints.
How do I adjust the resistance on an Adjustable Resistance Rower?
The method of adjusting resistance may vary depending on the specific model of the Adjustable Resistance Rower. Generally, it involves using a tension knob, a lever, or selecting resistance levels on a digital control panel. Refer to the user manual or instructions provided with your rowing machine for precise guidance.
Can a Full Motion Rowing Machine be folded for storage?
Some Full Motion Rowing Machines offer a foldable design for easier storage. However, not all models have this feature. When considering a specific rowing machine, check the product description or specifications to see if it can be folded for more convenient storage.
Are Rowing Exercise Machines suitable for all fitness levels?
Yes, Rowing Exercise Machines are suitable for various fitness levels. They offer adjustable resistance settings, allowing beginners to start at a comfortable level and progress as their fitness improves. The intensity of the workout can be tailored to individual needs.
Can an Adjustable Resistance Rower accommodate tall individuals?
Yes, many Adjustable Resistance Rowers are designed to accommodate users of different heights. Look for rowing machines with an adjustable seat rail or sliding mechanism that can accommodate taller individuals for a comfortable rowing experience.
How many calories can I burn with a Rowing Exercise Machine?
The number of calories burned during a rowing workout depends on various factors, including your weight, intensity, duration, and rowing technique. On average, rowing can burn between 300 to 600 calories per hour, making it an effective calorie-burning exercise.
Is a Full Motion Rowing Machine suitable for home use?
Yes, Full Motion Rowing Machines are suitable for home use. They are designed to be compact and user-friendly, making them ideal for home gyms or limited spaces. Ensure that you have sufficient space and consider the dimensions of the rowing machine before purchasing.

8 reviews for Rowing Machine | Adjustable Resistance Rower | Rowing Exercise Machine

  1. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    This thing is amazing, I have lost so much weight from using this i went to see my doctor she is very happy with my over all health, she says she would love to show me off to the others in her office if she could, I have lost 4.5kg in two weeks along with prayer, this is the best workout machine, i have used and is fun to workout on. I use it 45 minutes every day! My clothes are fitting better, omg my arms are getting in shape. someones review on here helped me to choose this, soooooooooooo happy that i did!

  2. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    I was pleasantly suprised. Easy to set up in 5 minutes with the tools provided. I expected stability to be a problem but in fact it feels very solid and stable. The seat moved smoothly and the hydraulics worked well. Very simple 12point dial had a positive effect on the resistance. Highly recommended!

  3. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    I received the package today at 2:09 pm. I ripped it out of the box and was momentarily confused. On first glance it looked almost entirely assembled. After ripping open the plastic, I noticed it needed 3 things- handle bar, connecting the arm to the hydraulic and releasing the back bar. It was such a simple operation. There was no crazy fluff with the packaging so clean up was a breeze. I immediately hopped on and was impressed. I went slowly and did 5 minutes in my living room. I then moved it outside, it is SO light. I can carry one handed if I wanted to. It fits nicely in the space I set aside. The monitor is incredibly easy to use and to watch while working out.

  4. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    Exercises multiple body areas at one time, very good abdominals workout with the rowing stroke, very good glute workout, fair workout for arms and top of thigh (rectus femoris), fair workout for the upper back.

  5. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    We love this rowing machine better because this one gives you wider/longer range of motions in the exercise.

  6. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    I love this rower!! Great product for the price. It’s quiet, moves easily and is enough tension for a good workout. Like other reviews, I have to up the tension as I go. It’s very easy to do that. It comes almost fully assembled. It’s compact and light, so I can move it wherever I want.

  7. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    Ease of assembly. Honestly, it all came very well wrapped and protected inside the box, requiring only to unscrew a few Allen bolts to attach the handle. It was folded under itself, and strapped together to prevent damage from movement.

  8. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    I have had this rower for five years and love it. The fixed handlebars are a great help for my poor balance. Using it has helped strengthen my legs to the point that I no longer need assistance in getting up from the rower. I used to put a pole between the seat and the base of the handlebars to brace/lock the seat in place when I got up. Now I just put a pillow in front of the seat when I am finished, which serves as a cushion as I hold onto something to the side and drag my foot over the pillow to get off the rower. I get on the rower from the back, straddling the seat.

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