If you are doing any kind of group fitness classes at home then this is the step for you. There’s not a whole lot to say about it. It’s the perfect size, just like the ones at the gym. It has lots of rubber feet on the main platform and an additional four rubber feet on each riser (see my pictures), so it stays put and won’t slide out from under you. It has a nice rubber mat texture on top to keep you from slipping.

Achieve total-body fitness with The Step Original Aerobic Platform with Adjustable Risers


Fitness Step Platform | Adjustable Aerobic Stepper | Aerobic Step

Original price was: $329.Current price is: $299.

(7 customer reviews)


3 DAY MAY SUPER SALE … Don’t Miss Out

These sturdy risers can be used on any type of indoor flooring from carpet to concrete to hardwood without leaving behind scratches.

Each platform and riser also feature a resistance band notch, which safely holds the band in place.

The Step is a great home-fitness tool for beginners to experts and is customizable for a variety of aerobic and strength exercises.

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  • Item Weight: 8.5 kg
  • Includes wide platform and 2 sets of risers; no-slip stepping surface for safety
  • Adjusts to 3 height levels: 10.2cm, 15cm, and 20cm
  • 150 kg weight capacity
  • Product Dimensions: 108 x 40.9 x 10.9 cm (LxWxH)


Original price was: $329.Current price is: $299.

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Platform textured surface is secure, non-stick, non-slip, and shock absorbing, ensure you exercise easily and safely. Also comes with four nonskid feet on each riser to prevent it from sliding during exercise and scratching floors.


Challenge your workout with 3 settings of adjustable height 10.2cm, 15.2cm, 20.3cm, you can raise or lower the height according to self requirements. 3 different settings for more strenuous exercise, such weight loss, muscle-building and toning, promote better balance, flexibility and endurance.



The exercise step platform is crafted of solid recyclable high-density polyethylene, also with non-skid rubber under each platform and every riser to protect floors and stay in place.


Ideal for workout classes, recovering from an injury, or everyday regular workout routines in the comfort of your own home, office or take it with you to your friends’ home, to help you keep fit and enjoy your aerobic exercises .
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  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How can an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper benefit my workout routine?

    An Adjustable Aerobic Stepper adds intensity and variety to your workouts, allowing you to adjust the height for different fitness levels and exercises, effectively targeting legs and core muscles.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the dimensions of a typical Adjustable Aerobic Stepper?

    A typical Adjustable Aerobic Stepper measures about 25-43 inches in length and 11-16 inches in width, with height adjustments ranging from 4 to 12 inches to cater to different exercise needs.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the health benefits of using a Fitness Step Platform regularly?

    Regular use of a Fitness Step Platform offers numerous health benefits, including improved muscle tone, enhanced cardiovascular health, better coordination, and increased caloric burn.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are Adjustable Aerobic Steppers safe to use for older adults?

    Adjustable Aerobic Steppers are safe for older adults, offering a low-impact exercise option that can be adjusted to a comfortable height, minimizing joint strain.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How does an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper compare to other home workout equipment?

    An Adjustable Aerobic Stepper is more versatile and space-efficient compared to other home workout equipment, suitable for a wide range of exercises that improve fitness and strength.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the environmental considerations when manufacturing an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper?

    Environmental considerations when manufacturing an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper include using recyclable materials and sustainable production practices to minimize environmental impact.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How portable is an Aerobic Step for travel?

    An Aerobic Step is relatively portable; many models are lightweight and compact, making them easy to store and transport for on-the-go workouts.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is an Aerobic Step effective for toning legs and buttocks?

    An Aerobic Step is highly effective for toning legs and buttocks, as stepping motions activate these muscle groups intensively, shaping and strengthening them.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can using a Fitness Step Platform help improve balance?

    Yes, using a Fitness Step Platform can help improve balance by engaging and strengthening the core muscles necessary for stability during various step exercises.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the best way to incorporate an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper into a daily exercise routine?

    Incorporate an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper into your daily routine by starting with basic steps and gradually adding more complex combinations and higher risers as you improve.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there different styles of Adjustable Aerobic Steppers available on the market?

    There are different styles of Adjustable Aerobic Steppers available, including those with or without risers, various surface textures, and additional features like resistance bands.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can a Fitness Step Platform be used in group fitness classes?

    A Fitness Step Platform is commonly used in group fitness classes, such as step aerobics, where participants perform choreographed movements to music, enhancing motivation and enjoyment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What material is an Aerobic Step made of?

    An Aerobic Step is typically made from durable, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or similar plastics, designed to support significant weight and resist wear and tear.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I perform upper body exercises on a Fitness Step Platform?

    You can perform upper body exercises on a Fitness Step Platform by using it as a base for exercises like tricep dips and inclined push-ups, making it a multi-functional fitness tool.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I maintain and clean my Fitness Step Platform?

    Maintain and clean your Fitness Step Platform by wiping it down with a damp cloth after each use to remove sweat and dirt, ensuring it remains hygienic and in good condition.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is a Fitness Step Platform suitable for weight loss programs?

    Absolutely, a Fitness Step Platform is excellent for weight loss; it boosts metabolism and burns calories quickly during high-intensity step aerobics sessions.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can beginners use an Aerobic Step effectively?

    Yes, beginners can effectively use an Aerobic Step. Its adjustable height allows for a gradual increase in intensity, making it perfect for all fitness levels.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the price range for a quality Fitness Step Platform?

    The price range for a quality Fitness Step Platform can vary from $20 to $100, depending on the brand, size, and features, offering options for every budget.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How does an Aerobic Step enhance a plyometric training session?

    An Aerobic Step enhances plyometric training by providing a platform for jump training, which improves explosive power and speed, crucial for athletic performance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is a Fitness Step Platform and what are its uses?

    A Fitness Step Platform is a versatile exercise tool used to perform a variety of aerobic and strength training exercises, enhancing cardiovascular health and muscle tone.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What safety features should I look for in an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper?

    Look for an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper with a non-slip surface and sturdy construction to ensure safety during workouts, especially when performing high-intensity exercises.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can Adjustable Aerobic Steppers be used for strength training exercises?

    Yes, Adjustable Aerobic Steppers can be used for strength training exercises like squat variations and step-ups, enhancing muscle strength and endurance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the weight capacity of an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper?

    The weight capacity of an Adjustable Aerobic Stepper can vary, but most are built to support up to 300 pounds, accommodating a wide range of users.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How effective is an Aerobic Step for improving cardiovascular endurance?

    An Aerobic Step is highly effective for improving cardiovascular endurance. Regular sessions increase heart rate and stamina, providing a solid aerobic workout.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How does training with a Fitness Step Platform improve cardiovascular health?

    Training with a Fitness Step Platform improves cardiovascular health by elevating heart rate during stepping exercises, which enhances heart and lung function over time.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I use a Fitness Step Platform for high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

    Yes, a Fitness Step Platform is ideal for HIIT by alternating between high-intensity aerobic step routines and rest periods to burn calories and build endurance efficiently.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What types of exercises can I do with an Aerobic Step?

    With an Aerobic Step, you can perform exercises like step-ups, burpees, push-ups, and aerobic routines, all of which increase your heart rate and strengthen various muscle groups.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What accessories complement an Aerobic Step workout?

    Accessories that complement an Aerobic Step workout include hand weights, resistance bands, and ankle weights, which can enhance the intensity and effectiveness of the exercise routine.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can children use an Aerobic Step for exercise?

    Yes, children can use an Aerobic Step for exercise under supervision, as it offers a fun and effective way for them to improve their physical fitness and coordination.

Elevate Your Fitness Routine with the Fitness Step Platform

Enhancing your cardiovascular health and lower body strength is essential for overall fitness. One versatile tool that can help you achieve these goals is the fitness step platform, also known as the adjustable aerobic stepper or aerobic step. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the benefits of incorporating this dynamic equipment into your workout routine, how it works, and various exercises you can perform with it.

The Versatility of the Adjustable Aerobic Stepper

The fitness step platform is a simple yet highly effective piece of equipment designed to provide a challenging cardiovascular workout while targeting muscles in your legs, glutes, and core. Here’s why it’s a must-have for your home gym:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Performing step aerobics on the platform elevates your heart rate, improving cardiovascular endurance and promoting fat loss.
  • Lower Body Strength: Stepping up and down engages your lower body muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, helping to build strength and definition.
  • Balance and Coordination: The unstable surface of the stepper enhances balance and coordination as you perform various exercises, making it beneficial for functional fitness.
  • Adjustable Height: Many fitness step platforms come with adjustable risers, allowing you to customize the height of the platform to suit your fitness level and exercise preferences.

How to Use the Aerobic Step

The fitness step platform offers endless workout possibilities. Here are some exercises you can incorporate into your routine:

  1. Step-Ups: Step onto the platform with one foot, followed by the other, then step back down. Alternate leading legs to target both sides evenly.
  2. Lateral Step-Ups: Step onto the platform from the side, then step back down. This exercise targets the inner and outer thighs.
  3. Jumping Jacks: Perform jumping jacks on and off the platform to elevate your heart rate and engage multiple muscle groups.
  4. Push-Ups: Place your hands on the platform and perform push-ups to target your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  5. Plank Variations: Place your hands or feet on the platform to add an extra challenge to traditional plank exercises.

Choosing the Right Aerobic Step

When selecting a fitness step platform, consider the following factors:

  • Size: Choose a platform size that provides enough space for your workout movements while fitting comfortably in your workout space.
  • Durability: Look for a platform made from sturdy materials that can support your weight and withstand repeated use.
  • Adjustability: Opt for a platform with adjustable risers to accommodate your fitness level and exercise preferences.


The fitness step platform is a versatile and effective tool for improving cardiovascular health, lower body strength, balance, and coordination. By incorporating step aerobics into your workout routine, you can achieve your fitness goals while enjoying a fun and challenging workout experience. Browse our selection of adjustable aerobic steppers today and take your fitness to new heights!


7 reviews for Fitness Step Platform | Adjustable Aerobic Stepper | Aerobic Step

  1. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    Delivery was fast and this is a great addition to my home “COVID” gym.

  2. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    I saw the pics etc but I was surprised how physically large this platform is.
    It has solid rubber feet and on a tile floor there’s no movement or slippage even with or without the risers
    It’s solid and doesn’t sway or tilt or move when on the risers. They fit snug and keep it feeling solid.

  3. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    If you are doing any kind of group fitness classes at home then this is the step for you. There’s not a whole lot to say about it. It’s the perfect size, just like the ones at the gym. It has lots of rubber feet on the main platform and an additional four rubber feet on each riser (see my pictures), so it stays put and won’t slide out from under you. It has a nice rubber mat texture on top to keep you from slipping.

  4. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    I got this to do Body Pump streaming at home. It’s just like the steps they have at my gym. It was more than I wanted to spend, but it’s worth it to have a full size step. I use it 4 days a week and have had no issues. Great buy!

  5. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    This is not one of the smaller ones. It is the full sized one like the ones they use at my gym! I am grateful for that as i can use it for a lot of my bench work. (i bought additional risers and it is pretty sturdy) i use this for aerobics, for jumps, for stretching, for dang near anything I can use it for.

  6. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    OK, so I didn’t buy this to exercise, I bought it for a step-up for my dachshunds. But I tell you, it’s strong!!! I probably step on it maybe 20 to 40 times a day and I am impressed. It sits on a rather slick wood floor and it doesn’t move. My dogs use it and I use it and I’m glad I bought it.

  7. 5ed9386e3820a21d9497eeaf8a733c54?s=80&d=mm&r=g


    Everything is fine and im glad i bought this.

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